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For Fresh Cycle - The recipient's cycle must be synchronized with the donor's cycle in order to ensure the uterine lining is ready for the embryo during transfer. In this cycle the embryo/s are going to be generated for you and are not going to be frozen/thawed. If you decide to add genetic testing the embryos have to be frozen and transfer scheduled for another date.

For Frozen Cycle - Recipient must prepare the uterine lining (endometrium) by using medication in order to receive embryo transfer. Donor and recipient cycles do NOT need to be synchronized. Embryos are thawed and cultured before embryo transfer takes place.

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For the next step, there are many different approaches depending on each individual recipient. If the recipient has functioning ovaries, they will be given a medication to temporarily stop their menstrual cycle. Next, the recipient will be given medication that will allow their endometrium to be stimulated and begin development. These medications may be in the form of a pill, injection, or patch. In order to determine if the endometrium is ready, a blood test or ultrasound will be taken. 


After donor receives the medication that triggers ovulation, recipients will typically begin taking progesterone in either pill form, vaginal gel, or intramuscular injection. The progesterone will initiate a change within the endometrium which will allow the embryo to implant. 

3-5 days after egg fertilization is done in the laboratory, the embryos are transferred into the uterus of the recipient. A small catheter will pass through the cervix and into the uterus with the embryos. 

© 2023 by Women's Specialty & Fertility Center and the Global Egg Bank.

 729 Medical Center Dr W #205, Clovis, CA 93611

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